Talking Hearts with 2 minutes recording time. Deliver your message with the power of sound using this unique Talking Heart Voice Recorder. Add sound to your gifts and crafts by recording your own voice message, music or sound effects. Simply press the Heart to hear your message.
Give your soft plush toys a voice
Create a talking gift tag for a bunch of flowers
Make a talking fridge magnet
Add sound to a personalised cushion
Create a ‘Get Well Soon’ talking balloon weight
Make a surprise talking gift box using the light sensor activation
Send a special message to family living abroad
Create a priceless keepsake by recording your baby’s heartbeat
Make a talking photo frame
Add a voice message to a notice board
Ideal for corporate marketing campaigns and promotions
FEATURES:2 minutes recording time, (120 seconds)
Record your own speech, music or sound effects using the built-in microphone
Playback your message by simply pressing the heart
Re-record your message as many times as you like
Recordings are preserved forever, even if the batteries are depleted or replaced
Protect your precious messages using the LOCK switch
Includes rear wall mounting holes and a lanyard loop, (lanyard not included)
Built-in Speaker
Built-in Microphone
Record and Play Mode Switch
Power ON-OFF Switch
Record LOCK Switch
Requires 3 x AAA batteries, (not included)
Recording time: 2 minutes, (120 seconds, one single message)
Size: 85 x 85 x 25mm
User Guide

NOTE: If you are located in the U.S.A., please note that we have stock available from an warehouse with Prime delivery. Click Here to view.

NOTE: If you are located in the U.S.A., please note that we have stock available from an warehouse with Prime delivery. Click Here to view.